According to Leithak Leikharol, a sacred book of the Meitei about creation, there was nothing in the universe at the beginning. Chingu Khoyum Yaibiral also known as Kuru Sidaba existed alone in the universe with the vast emptiness. When he had this idea for the creation of the world, he created three sons Atingkok Sidaba, Atiya Sidaba, and Konjil Tuthokpa later known as Haraba or Pakhangba and assigned his eldest son, Atingkok with the task of creating the world and the brothers to assist him.
Atingkok carried out his father's wish and he was on the journey of fulfilling the task but his younger brother Konjil Tuthokpa had a destructive tendency and end up destroying his creation. Seeing this Atingkok got so angry that he created Samaton Ayangba to stop his brother.

Samadon is the mythical horse with wings as believed in many folklore of Meitei.

This is how Samaton Ayangba was created by Atingkok to stop his brother's destruction.

Later Samadon became the mounting creature of Marjing, so he carries a lot of Cultural and Religious significance for the Meitei community.
Samadon also played an important role in creating the land and the valleys with Pakhangba.It is also believed that Samadon is the ancestor of the current Manipuri pony

Samadon Ayangba


Samadon Ayangba
